Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bad day... stomach is upset. This morning woke-up and feel lazy to go to the school. Sorry cikgu Salleh i can't make it today. Sure he get angry with me because yesterday i told him that i'll coming tday to help him arrange KHB's files in the storeroom. Haih..moral down...don't know what happend to myself. My mom also asked me to go back spend my holiday at kampung. "ok mak, i'll be bck on this friday, don't worry!" I just need time, n just leave me alone so that i can think about myself.
Thingking what should i bake tday? Ahah! Bling! Chocolate moist cupcake! thehehehe... Well, everybody love chocolate rite? So here the recipe. [source from myresepi]

Cupcake Chocolate moist

Bahan-bahan: (20 cup)

2 cawan tepung
1 cawan serbuk koko
1 sdt baking poder
1 sdt soda bikarbonat

4 biji telur
2 cwn gula halus
1 cawan susu pekat
1 cawan minyak
11/2 cawan air panas mendidih

Cara membuat:
1- Pukul telur dan gula hingga kembang dgn high spedd selama 100 minit.
2-Masukkan susu dan pukul sekejap. Masukkan pula mintak dan pukul dgn aras low speed
3-Masukkan bhn A iaitu tepung sedikit demi sedikit dan kacau perlahan-lahan sehingga sebati.
4-Kemudian masukkan air panas dlm adunan tadi (part ini tidak perlu pukul justratakan dengan senduk kayu)
5- Masukkan dlm cup kertas (masukkan 3/4) dan bakar selama 15 minit pada suhu 180'c.  

I tot want to give this special cake to someone who warded in the hospital, but too bad i can't..sob2 sob2


Rich of chocolate aroma n taste r so good!

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