Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Carrot cake for 1st day of 2011

One of my favorite cake is carrot cake. But i don't like the walnut and raisin in the cake. I never thought that baking carrot cake was so easy. Last week when i read one of the food blogs i found this recipe quite interesting and i was thingking why not i bake something healthy for new year. So last Saturday i tried make carrot cake and the taste was so delicious without walnut and pineapple!

what's ur new year resolutions? ;)

fresh daisy frm uncle Rajoo's shop ;-D

I did the carrot frm fondant cuz i don't have marzipan in my stock ;-)

Kek Lobak
3 biji telur
3/4 cawan buttermilk
3/4 cawan minyak jagung
1 1/2 cawan gula
2 sdt esen vanilla
1 sdt serbuk kayu manis
1/4 sdt garam
2 cawan tepung
2 sdt baking soda
2 cwn parutan lobak
1 cawan flake kelapa
1 cawan walnut cincang
1 tin nenas yg diparut

1- Panaskan oven pada suhu 175'c
2- Ayak tepung,garam, baking soda dan serbuk kayu manis. Ketepikan.
3- campurkan telur, buttermilk,minyak, gula dan vanilla. Gaul rata. Kemudian capurkan tepung dan gaul sebati.
4- Campurkan walnut,kelapa, lobak parut ke dalam adunan tepung.
5- Bakar dalam masa 1 jam.

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